Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Hetain Patel

I thoroughly enjoyed hetain Patels lecture I thought it was interesting and relevant how he introduced his culture into his artwork which is very smilar to what we are doing on our project and it is also interesting how he has used traditional indian materials such as Mehndi and also Kanku Pigment "The artist marks himself not on the forehead but instead emblazons the rich red colour more overtly across his chest. He marks himself repeatedly and with purpose. Though the mark making takes place within Indian time and with Indian pigment, the trace that remains is the English St George’s cross. As with all of his works this is not intended as a statement but rather a question" This lecture has inspired me to take a look into my cultural traditions and learn more than i already know are there still traditions that we have even though my parents parent and granparents moved to England years ago? are we more westernised? or do we still embrace our culture?

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